Tuesday, August 19, 2008

4 Housing Solutions


It is an independant entity, and seems like not being constructed by the hand of humans. Like a cave has its own spatial distribution, naturally leads visitors from the entrance to amazing spaces inside.
The normal boundaries between floors, walls, ceilings in this design are eliminated. 'Why do I need such ruled, ordinary things?' The house articulates for itself. Standing in front of it, the occupant can get an image of the ground raising, bending, and forming the space without the touch of people. The interior devided by curve lines and planes. Two levels smoothly connect each other by bending themselves. The whole house becomes a mirror to reflect its owner's character:' A man walking on his own path'.

smooth material is used for the house

natural light accesses through continuous openings from wall to roof, and from roof to roof

in the house, spaces keep opening and changing according to the curves
The second house is designed with continuous roof from ground floor to upper floors. It also plays the role of the access upper floors. Therefore, the stairs are no longer hidden inside the house, they are strongly exposed to the outside to state the occupant's life style:' Bravely overcome difficulties without shrinking back'.

Living room is also exposed with full height and full length opening. The space is flooded with natural light, and keeps the interaction between outdoor and indoor. In contrast, the bed room on top is quite enclosed to create privacy. The reaching out part of the house is a place for reading, and also is where the mirror placed. A reflection of the balance between pubilicity and pravacy is drawn out.

living room with double height and full window

kitchen and dining room on ground floor

a look from the side

'A line between public life and private life' is the primary idea for this design. A high wall is built for the front facade. The access to the house is not on the ground anymore. A staircase is employed to lead to the highest level of the house, and also the living room. Exterior stairs and interior stairs are located next to each other with glass opening in between, therefore, when using those stairs, the image of the dweller is blurryly relected in the frame of the inside as well as the outside. The idea for this detail is that to define the occupant as an open and friendly person, although there is a rigid boundary for his privacy.

Wood logs are chosen for this house to express the dweller's character. At the back, the house is totally opened to the nature. A back garden provides fresh air and calm feelings for the house.

front facade

opened spaces on the roof

natural light is filled in the house

Reflecting the stubbornness of its owner, the house doesn't stay in a homogeneous shape. It slides out and forms the spaces. Quite similar to the other three, this design using large openings to receive natural light. A corridor at the back on level 2 is used to connect as well as separate living room and bed room. Hard material (cast concrete) conveys stubbornness of the house.

front facade.

the whole house is covered with large windows, blinds or curtains can be used to gain privacy.

opening at the back gives light to the corridor.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Early stage of card modeling

It took me 3 hours last night to progress to this stage.
The scale is a bit small to make the curve, especially the interior space.
However, it was quite fun to do it:D
I need to make one more level for this house, hopefully i will finish it tonight
(the presentation for multistorey was over:P, there's no more thing to worry about!)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Series of design development

The drawing above is an exploration of organizing the spaces.
the design based on the theme of "line between publicity and privacy"

the third design idea.

the final one, still in the process of developing the geometry.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Some sketches for house solution 1

A sketched form of the house

sketched plans and facades

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Exploring my character...

When approaching the client, I recognized that is a man in his mid forty. He has a deep voice, and his attitudes when talking show that he is a warm person. It is not randomly he has a special interest in his wax museum – martyrdom. The theme of the museum reflects a strong character of its owner: a man never betrays his ideals. That man always chooses his very own path, is unyielding before others’ opinions, and overcome obstacles on that path without shrinking back. His stubbornness refines his spirit, and makes him stand out in the crowd.
Asked about how to consider an object beautiful, he replies:” do not judge a book by its cover”. To him, a thing obtains its beauty when it has a life in itself, not just a showy appearance outside. A fine creator can make even a stone dance by breathing a soul into it. That is the reason why every work he chose has strong expressions, what make the ambiance of the museum lively.
His second interest is reading books. The types of his books are history, art, and nature. He has a small collection of those books. The undisturbed time he spends on reading makes him feel like travelling to another place which he did not get to know about.
The question has turned to his life. Because of his business and his friendly character, he is a person for public. Every day, talking to friends, meeting new people, and getting new experiences make him motivated in life. End of the day, privacy is also very important to him, hence the need for a line between public life and private life. What are his requirements for solitude? He needs a cosy and relaxing atmosphere where he can enjoy the night peacefully and quietly. As the mood for a new day is essential, the place needs to be filled with vitality in the morning. He specially requires a place for his books. Tranquility for that space is crucial because it will be his favorite spot. Back to his motto for beauty, he requires the place to satisfy not only the look outside but also the sophisticated organization inside. The rooms need to be cleverly organized so that it can give comfort to the occupant.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Opening Day

The fisrt task is learn about the characters of the client.
The client is a proprietor of the martyrdom wax museum.
  • martyr : noun [C] a person who suffers greatly or is killed because of their political or religious beliefs, and is often admired because of it.

  • martyrdom: noun [U]when someone suffers or is killed for their beliefs.

(reference: Cambridge Dictionary)

Some images of martyrdom art:

  • Three Archers, detail from the Martyrdom of St. Sebastian

  • Martyrdom of Saint Andrew

  • The Martyrdom of Saint Barbara